Other works

These are pieces of which I am personally proud, for their creativity, writing, subject matter or personal reasons.

Farewell, old friend

After 169 years, The Easton Express-Times finally ended its print edition. For the last run, I was back as a freelancer to eulogize my old paper. This was personal. This was where I spent countless nights getting the final headlines to print; where I covered presidents and pandemics, elections and festivals, storms and stories; where I met my wife. The result — over a century and a half of local news in 4,000 words — became the centerpiece of the special section, a final sendoff as a record of local history became history itself.

Billy Joel’s ‘Allentown’ at 40: Tough times and hard feelings from folks still livin’ here

Billy Joel has been singing about Allentown (about Bethlehem, really) for 40 years. But how do the people living here then and now feel about that? Interviews with union steelworkers, historians, mayors and local economic cheerleaders come together in this in-their-own-words style recounting of a song that captured a snapshot of hard times, for better and for worse.
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